Personal Injury

The Watson Law Office provides an exceptional level of legal expertise to victims of serious accidents and injuries in North and South Carolina.

Our firm’s experience in personal injury cases from the defense side allows us to provide more effective legal counsel from an attorney who knows the law from the insurance company’s point of view. The Watson Law Office has years of litigation and trial experience that we use to help maximize the compensation that you deserve. We are always an ideal resource in your time of need.

Suffering a serious personal injury as a result of the negligence, recklessness, or malfeasance of another can be a traumatic, life-altering experience, resulting in medical expenses, lost wages (present and future), pain and suffering, and even long-term disfigurement or disability. The financial, physical, and emotional aftermath of such an injury can be overwhelming, but you do have legal recourse. It is invaluable to have a skilled personal injury attorney at your side to provide you with legal support and protection.

The Watson Law Office represents victims of a variety of claims and litigation matters, including but not limited to:

  • Vehicular accidents (car, truck, bus, motorcycle, boat, pedestrian)
  • Wrongful Death
  • Medical malpractice
  • Product liability
  • Slip and Fall
  • Dog bites

Statute of Limitations in Personal Injury Cases
If you believe your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligent or wrongful actions, you should consult with a personal injury attorney as quickly as possible. There are many reasons for taking action promptly. First, evidence must be collected before the defendant has time to repair or alter the accident scene.  Additionally, the sooner you obtain photographs, written records, other evidence, and/or witness accounts and contact information, the better off you will be when the time comes to prove your case.

Most importantly, however, there is a statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims. In North and South Carolina, you have three years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit. This means that if you fail to file your claim before three years have passed, you will have no right to receive compensation for your injuries.

Damages Recoverable
After you are injured in a car accident, don’t be surprised if you see the insurance company ask you to accept an amount of money that they “believe” covers all the damages you suffered in the accident—even if it doesn’t.  Additionally, insurance companies will often times deny your entire claim and tell you that “your incident isn’t covered by the policy.”  Far too many people take them at their word and move on.  That is what they want you to do and is the oldest trick in the book for the insurance companies to save themselves from paying you for your injuries.  This is why you’d need a competent attorney who knows the law and what to look for.

Lost Earnings In An Auto Accident
If your injuries from the car accident are serious, and if you’re advised bed rest by your doctor, chances are you’d stand to lose a lot of your earnings for the days you don’t go to work. You’d have to use your sick leave and vacation time to take days off work to recover from your serious injuries. Not just that, but if the injuries are long-term, you could also lose potential future earnings.

The defendant is liable to compensate for all these losses. However, before you suggest recovering lost earnings, you need to present a viable case in front of the insurance companies.  Without legal knowledge, this task could prove to be very difficult. Only a lawyer who knows a thing or two about negotiation and is well-versed with North and South Carolina personal injury law would be able to help.

Long-Term Medical Care For The Auto Accident
It’s likely that even after you’ve recovered from major injuries, you’d have to seek physical therapy to treat chronic pain. Such therapy is not cheap, and if the need for long-term medical care arises, you can ask the insurance company to cover the expenses of that too.

The insurance would cover home nursing care, future medical bills, or any recurring treatments that you would have to undergo to recover fully from the injuries and anguish of the accident.  The Watson Law Office can render you with an experienced negotiator who can fight the insurance company for you and get you the compensation for all of your expenses.

Other Losses
In addition to this, if you lost your money-earning capabilities because of your injuries, the defendant would also have to pay for those damages. If the injuries somehow uprooted your normal way of living in any way, your personal injury attorney would be able to quantify those losses and include them in the calculation of your overall damages.

They could also help you financially if you suffer from employment problems due to your inability to work. Without a lawyer, you won’t stand a chance at recovering money for all these losses.

Give us a call to discuss your options and to determine your next steps.

Causes Of Car Accident
Car accidents in North and South Carolina can have many causes, ranging from negligence on the driver’s part to unfavorable conditions of the road and the weather. Here are some common causes of auto accidents –

  • Distracted Driving
  • Reckless Driving
  • Negligent Drivers
  • Traffic accidents
  • Drunk Driving
  • Highway Safety Violations
  • Uber/Lyft accident
  • Pedestrian accidents

Notify The Insurance Company Of The Accident
Notify your own insurance company and the insurance company of the negligent driver. But before you speak to the insurance adjuster, make sure that you have hired The Watson Law Office to ensure you avoid the pitfalls of the insurance claims process and maximize your compensation.

Investigate The Accident
To gather evidence to support your claim, you’d have to investigate the accident, and the proof should indicate the negligence of the defendant. An experienced attorney would help you gather valuable evidence that could be used in your favor.

Negotiate A Settlement
Both your lawyer and the insurance company would be more inclined to reach a favorable settlement out of court. Lawsuits can prove to be expensive for both parties, so negotiating a settlement that protects your interest is the easy and cheap way out. A good negotiator would be able to persuade the insurer to provide coverage for both immediate and foreseeable expenses.

File A Lawsuit
While the efforts of your attorney would be directed towards striking a favorable deal with the insurance company, they would advise you to file a lawsuit if the company is being unreasonable with their offer. It could be an effort to intimidate the insurer and see if they change their mind about the initial offer. However, if the company is adamant about not giving you the proposed compensation, going to the trial is the only way forward. We can fight for your interests in court with vehemence and ensure that you get the desired settlement by the end of it.

What Should I Do Immediately After A Car Accident?
If you’ve been in a car accident, the first thing you should do is call 911 and get the appropriate medical attention. Even if you think that you’re fine and there are no visible injuries, consult a doctor anyway, as delayed pain and other conditions are not uncommon. You should also call the police so they can investigate the scene and gather valuable evidence while it’s still fresh – even if you believe it is a “minor accident.”  If you’re fit enough, take a quick survey of the scene and see if there are any witnesses who’d be willing to give a statement to the insurance companies. If yes, take their number. You could also take photos and videos of the scene. Call the Watson Law Office once you are physically and mentally able.

Will I Have To Go To Court If I File A Personal Injury Claim For A Motor Vehicle Accident?
Usually, the case of auto accidents and motor vehicle accidents is resolved outside of the court since lawsuits can prove to be expensive for both parties. The two parties, their attorneys, and the insurance companies enter into negotiations and try to reach an agreeable settlement to all the concerned parties. So to file an injury claim, you don’t have to go to court. However, if the insurance firm is not willing to give you the compensation that you deserve, you can file a lawsuit against them and let the courts decide. Although, your lawyer would advise a lawsuit only as a last resort. Most of their efforts would be directed towards reaching an out-of-court settlement, as they are relatively quick and inexpensive to resolve.

What Information Do I Need To File A Claim For Car Crashes?
Before you barge into the offices of an insurance firm, you need to hire a lawyer and collect bits of information that would help your case. For starters, you’d need the contact information of the people involved in the accident and the eyewitnesses of the crash. Photos and videos of the scene of the accident and your injuries could further strengthen your claim. In addition to this, the official police reports and the doctors’ statements that tended to your injuries could help your cause as well. You can talk to an attorney about what other kinds of information can be used to prove the negligence of the defendant.

What Happens If I Believe That I Could Be Partly At Fault For The Car Accident?
If you have reasons to believe that you could be partly at fault for the accident, do NOT admit fault and do NOT give a recorded statement to the insurance company. Call your attorney as soon as possible to investigate the accident and negotiate the apportionment of fault in your case.  Depending on whether your case is in North Carolina or South Carolina, your available options for recovery will vary.